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Friday, May 22, 2020

COVID-19 Awareness Test Quiz 2020 : Last Date 24/05/20

COVID-19 Awareness Test Quiz 2020 
Don Bosco College Central Library & IQAC, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, is organizing a Coronavirus (COVID 19) Awareness Test Quiz. The Aim of this Quiz is to spread awareness about COVID-19 and also to kill your boredom during lockdown. 

You are invited to participate in this quiz. Carefully attend all questions and select one correct answer in the multiple choice options. Each participant will receive an E-Certificate for the Online Quiz for a score of 60% & more through E-mail immediately. 

Registration link will be open from 21-05-2020 9:00 PM to 24-05-2020 6:00 PM
Quiz Coordinator: Mr. Sur Chandra Singha 