Online Catalogue Search (Web OPAC)
DBC Accredited A Grade
E-Library Section
E Library Inauguration
Best Reader Award for the Academic Session 2023-2024.
Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) Library Visit Photo.

“Bad Libraries build collections, Good Libraries build services, Great Libraries build communities.” – R. David Lankes !!! Keep Visiting Our Library Website

Activities Conducted

➥ Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) Library Visit on 2nd May 2024

➥ Circular for World Book And Copyright Day Celebration on 23rd April 2024

➥  National Librarian’s Day Celebration on 12th August, 2023 at 12.56 PM in the Library

➥  Library Visit On State Central Library, Itanagar 22nd October 2022

➥ Celebration of “World Book and Copyright Day" on 23rd April 2021 jointly organised by Research Wing and Book Club.

➥  Inauguration of E-Library 22nd March 2021

➥ State Central Library, Itanagar Visit on 21st September 2019

Designed, Developed & Maintained byDr. Sur Chandra Singha
Copyright © 2024 Don Bosco College Central Library