Online Catalogue Search (Web OPAC)
DBC Accredited A Grade
E-Library Section
E Library Inauguration
Best Reader Award for the Academic Session 2023-2024.
Rajiv Gandhi University (RGU) Library Visit Photo.

“Bad Libraries build collections, Good Libraries build services, Great Libraries build communities.” – R. David Lankes !!! Keep Visiting Our Library Website

About US

Welcome Message of Principal

Dr. (Fr.) Jose George 
I, heartily welcome you all in Don Bosco College Central Library Website.

About Don Bosco College Central Library
Don Bosco College Central Library is a repository of information on Humanities & Commerce Department. The Don Bosco College Central Library started its collection and development of print/ non-print media from the year 2010 and has adequate number of books, journal, e-book and e-journal etc. Don Bosco College Central Library has own website and adopted new emerging tools like Artificial Intelligence (AI)Web 2.0 tools, Q R Code and CCTV etc. Apart from this, Don Bosco College Central Library has a well-established fully air conditioned. The facility of “Open Access System” adopted in the Don Bosco College Central Library. Library has partially automated and facilitate computerized Catalogue Search Services though Koha Web OPAC (Online Public Access Catalogue) ( Users can search and browse their particular documents through Subjects, Author, Title, and Publishers, ISBN etc. The search facility is also available online.The Don Bosco College Central Library also provides an excellent Photostat facility, which is available within the Don Bosco College Central Library and User-Orientation Programmes are continuously being undertaken in the Don Bosco College Central Library for newly admitted students. Books are classified subject wise and arranged according to the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme with the help of OCLC & Indcate website. The Don Bosco College Central Library is open from 9.30 a.m. to 2.45 p.m. on all working days. In the Don Bosco College Central Library, we have 02 National and 2 regional English newspapers subscribed. DBC Central Library have circulation section, reference section, Group Discussion Room, E-library section. Its intake capacity of seating to the user is 120.

Know Your Library

Our Motto & Mission
a) To serve as a Knowledge Resource Center;
b) To provide and disseminate up to date information;
c) To give the satisfaction of users and service with smile.

a) To develop a comprehensive collection of books and journals for students and faculty of institute;
b) To computerize & integrate all the housekeeping activities;
c) To promote & inculcate reading habits among the readers.

Library Collection

1. Total No. of Books 8574 including reference books as per Accession Register till date 01/03/2024

Note: The Total No. 8574 Approx. of books may be subject to change depending on the procurement of book in near future.

Library Brochure

Library Rules

Library Staff

Dr. Sur Chandra Singha (M.LISc, NET, PGDCA, PGDLAN, M.Phil, PhD)
Librarian Cum Website Developer 

Don Bosco College Central Library
Jollang, Papumpare, Itanagar
Pin- 791111, Arunachal Pradesh (AP)
Contact No.- 9401856509 (WhatsApp/Telegram)

Mr. Sandip Bose (MTTM, BHMCT, CHT)
Asst. Librarian & Skill Training
Don Bosco College Central Library
Jollang, Papumpare, Itanagar
Pin- 791111, Arunachal Pradesh (AP)
Contact No.- 9362812141

Mr. M Peter (M.Com), Pursuing Ph.D
Assistant Librarian
Don Bosco College Central Library
Jollang, Papumpare, Itanagar
Pin- 791111, Arunachal Pradesh (AP)
Contact No.- 9862788834

Website Designed, Developed & Maintained byDr. Sur Chandra Singha
Copyright © 2024 Don Bosco College Central Library