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Intellectual Output

Administrative Department

Fr. C . D Mathai (Rector)

Dr. (Fr.) Jose George (Principal) Google Scholar

Fr. Phuvito Emmanuel (Vice Principal, Academic)

Sr. Suneetha Devasi (Vice Principal, Student Affairs)

Teaching Faculty

Dr. Prafulla Rajbanshi (Dept. of Economics) HoD

Dr. Tagam Dabi (Dept. of Economics)

Ms Bomrik Gadi (Dept. of Economics)

Mr. Babujyoti Ghose (Dept. of Economics)

Dr. Lalgin Chongloi (Dept. of Sociology) HoD

Mr. Pouluanthai Samuel (Dept. of Sociology)

Dr. Sr. Penny Rose Chinir 
(Dept. of Sociology)

Dr. Tailyang Sirah(Dept. of Sociology)

Mr. Ayu Poupu Paul (Dept. of Pol-Sci) HoD

Dr. P. Namsidimbo Zeliang (Dept. of Pol-Sci) 

Dr. Sumanta Nourem Singh (Dept. of Pol-Sci)

Dr. Tobi Lollen 
(Dept. of Pol-Sci)

Mr. Luhish Lushai (Dept. of English)

Mr. Daikho Athishu (Dept. of English) HoD

Mr. Samsom Mossang (Dept. of English)
Dr. Ratul Mahela (Dept. of English)
Ms. Binnya Mattey (Dept. of English)
Sr. Kanga Margareth H (Dept. of English)
Mrs. Monica Basar (Dept. of English)
Mr . A.C. Ramnganing (Dept. of History)

Dr. Dusu Sambyo (Dept. of History) HoD

Mr. Shivumso Chikro (Dept. of History)

Ms. Mudang Tuniya (Dept. of History)

Dr. Raju Goyary (Dept. of Commerce)

Ms. Laxmi Rai (Dept. of Commerce)

Ms. Jamine Kimsing (Dept. of Commerce) HoD

Tenzing Norbu (Dept. of Commerce)

Mr. Ravi (Dept. of Commerce) Google Scholar

Mr. Telesphore Topno (Department of BSW)

Mr. Francis Hasdak (Department of BSW)

Dr. Dominic Leo Thaikho (Department of BSW) HoD

Ms. Decem Santini Mitkong 
(Department of BSW)

Library Staff
Research Guide

There are several AI-powered tools that can assist with writing literature reviews. Here are some popular options:

1. SciNote: A research management software that uses AI to suggest relevant references and automate the citation process. It also provides a platform for writing and organizing the literature review.

2. Articoolo: An AI-powered platform that generates literature reviews and other types of content based on user input and context. It uses natural language processing and machine learning algorithms to extract relevant information from scholarly articles and synthesize it into a coherent narrative.

3. Writefull: A writing tool that uses AI to suggest language improvements and provide feedback on academic writing, including literature reviews. It also has a feature to generate references and format citations.

4. An AI-powered paraphrasing tool that can help with rewriting and summarizing content in literature reviews. It uses machine learning algorithms to generate new versions of text while preserving the original meaning.

5. Trinka: An AI-powered writing assistant that provides feedback on grammar, style, and structure in academic writing. It also has a feature to generate references and format citations.

These tools can help researchers save time and improve the quality of their literature reviews, but it's important to use them as a supplement to human judgment and critical thinking.

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